Me? :)



The Sandbox is a game maker allowing users to create their own gaming experience and share it to everyone.

"The Sandbox Game Maker allows anyone to build games in minutes thanks to accessible game development tools made for everyone."

I learned a lot from this experience by doing many different roles during this period: , technical game designer, ux/ui, lead designer...

But the two I mostly did were game & systems designer and game director & product owner.

  • Worked on all the game maker's systems allowing Players to easily create a full game with basic yet modular rules and logic.
  • Designed all the Adventure/RPG logic modules (named "behaviours" and "components") that could be added to assets, defining their behaviours, their variables and so their balancing.
  • Designed the "Rules" system, allowing Players to easily setup quests, with all the content it involves once in game.
  • Designed the game maker basic tools allowing to terraform and add/edit the game assets.
  • Designed a brand new Visual Scripting tool (not implemented yet) and its UX/UI.
  • Created a whole level to showcase the possibilities and the depth of the Game Maker.
  • Wrote the game maker's wiki, made for Players.

  • Worked with the client to iterate on the game maker vision and to define the milestones content.
  • Communicated the game maker's direction to the team and the external international teams.
  • Led the design team, and formed a junior level designer.
  • Ensured the high-quality, stable product.
  • Producted a game pitch document for the client regarding an additional project.